Tuesday, June 3

Tonight! Tonight! Won't be just any night...

To borrow some more lyrics from West Side Story's "Tonight"...
Today the minutes seem like hours.
The hours go so slowly,
And still the sky is light.
Oh moon, grow bright,
And make this endless day endless night...

Yes folks - tonight is FINALLY the Dave Matthews Band concert!! And I can't wait!

And in the spirit of DMB and his well-known environmentality...I got a great compliment this morning!

Long story short, my co-worker's plant got infested by no-see-ems (you know, those pesty bugs that fly in your face). Well, he sprayed chemicals to be rid of them, but it seems some migrated to my plant. Since I didn't want to use chemicals, I took my plant home, washed the roots, removed all the dirt, and replanted it completely - well, DAD did - and I helped him! Upon bringing it back to work today, another co-worker told me (when I told her what I did)..."wow, Claudia, you really are green!"

That just made my day! And DMB will totally make my night!!

Pics tomorrow (unless my brain isn't functioning!!)

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