Wednesday, July 29

5 Years Already?

Today is my Luna's 5th birthday!! I can't believe we've been together almost 5 years (this October) and what a big girl she's gotten to be!! Things definitely have changed and I hope she has a wonderful year - and many more to come!

She got a new scratching post this morning - and already loves using it!! Tonight she'll get treats and lots of love too!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY LUNA!! Mommy loves you!!

Thursday, July 23

REALY? Slow news day I guess!

I'm actually embarrassed to post this..... How, with all that's going on in the world, is THIS news???

Wild Turkey Terrorizes NJ Neighborhood

Wild Turkey Terrorizes NJ Neighborhood

Friday, July 17


I know I've been MIA for a while....but well, life's busy! :) Not too busy to eat bananas though! And to save you a little time eating them, here's a tip from MONKEYS!

Abre uma banana como um macaco @ Yahoo! Video

Who says we can't learn a thing or two from the wild animal kingdom??