Thursday, February 28

Are you kidding me?

These people are yet another reason why foreigners think Americans are stupid and uneducated... Heck, I'M an American and I KNOW these people are stupid and uneducated! Sit back and watch - and try to keep your lunch from coming up!

But this guy really makes it hit home...KUDOS to him for telling it like it is! I couldn't agree more!

Wednesday, February 27

Oh happy day

Watch this whenever you're having a bad day at work...

Monday, February 25

Oh how WRONG they were!

Well, Friday we got a MUCH APPRECIATED snow day from work! Why you ask? Well, turns out that the 1" TOPS that we were supposed to have by the end of rush hour (thus making it possible for an "early dismissal" from work) turned out to be about 4" or so of snow by the START of it!

They were predicting we were predicting that by the end of Friday, we'd have 3-6" of snow. BY THE END OF FRIDAY. So explain to me why by mid morning we were already flirting with being PAST the high end of that range?

How is it possible that the weather gurus have been SO WRONG lately?

Why is it that either we get a massive rain storm when they predict a blizzard or we get snowed in when they predict a dusting?

Maybe, just maybe, its more media driven - get the ratings up. Get the consumer to watch our news show rather than disseminate accurate information out to them, which, quite honestly, might not be as glamorous. Could that be it?

Just food for thought...

Either way, I thoroughly enjoyed my snow day.... The snow piled high and we were snowed in. With an estimated 9" of snow (from my little weather observation in the backyard). It was nice....especially for a Friday.

Thursday, February 21

THIS is why I love my camera!

For those of you who might have been under a rock or out of the solar system last night, it might be news that those of us in North America experienced a total lunar eclipse last night. (A little bit of trivia: its the last one we'll experience here until 2010)

This gave me the opportunity to pull out my new camera, my favorite tripod, and my wooley mittens and go stand outside and freeze my tookus off in hopes of getting "THE" shot! Well, after a bumpy start with my camera (over exposure, blurriness, etc), I finally got the hang of it and here are the fruits of my (very cold) labor:

For those of you with very good eyesight, please notice the white dot in the last photo just to the left of the moon....that's Saturn!! How cool!

Anyhoo - its the morning after and I'm just basking in my photographic rewards. I'm not professional, but this was my first photographed lunar eclipse, and I'm just giddy!!

Now if only I could finish thawing out!

Wednesday, February 20

Let it snow!

Well, its official.... They say we're going to get more snow this week! Lets see if it happens...

Today we're supposed to get a dusting to 1" of snow. An Alberta Clipper is coming down from the north and is supposed to skirt the southern part of NJ - but we might get some snow out of it.

The real "doozy" might come on Friday. They're saying now that we might get around 6" of snow! Now, while that would rock (you know me - any excuse to wear my new snow boots), I'm on the skeptical side of hope. But hey, the weather gurus are predicting 3-6" so, they must be right!!

So anyway, keep your fingers crossed for a good old fashioned snow storm. Because the idea of not having another company-sanctioned day off until Memorial Day is too much to bear!! I need a day off to stay home, bundle up on the sofa and snuggle with my little Luna!! Now THAT is what the doctor ordered!!

Here's hoping!!

Thursday, February 14



Wednesday, February 13

....And now its RAIN

Yes...that beautiful fluffy snow we got last night (of which, we got maybe around 3"), has now turned to rain. But since the snow is still on the ground and the ground is frozen and the air is relatively cold, the wonderful rain has turned the wonderful snow into slushy ice.


And its left us with a layer of un-shovleable (yes that's a word in my world) snice (that's snowy-ice). And wonderful "sluddles" (slushy puddles as my man calls them).

But hey, my boots rock in it all. Even as I slid off my front steps on 2" of solid snice.

Tuesday, February 12


After weeks of vainly hoping for wish has been granted!! We are in a Winter Weather Advisory until 5am tomorrow morning. And while the total accumulation will most likely only be 2-3 inches, that's way more than we've had - lately at least!!

This also affords me the opportunity to finally wear my new snow boots that my wonderful man got me for Christmas. Actually, I wore them to work today - long before the snow started falling. I figured maybe the sight of my boots would encourage Mother Nature to get going already. Guess it worked!!

So I'm a happy camper - boots, snow and all!! Finally!

Thursday, February 7

An Open Letter to Japan's ICR on Whaling

It is NO secret that I am an avid animal lover and a staunch opponent to animal cruelty and especially whaling. Therefore, below is a letter I wrote to the ICR (Japan's Institute of Cetacean Research) who conducts their annual whale hunt under the guise of being "scientific research" when in reality it is commercial whaling. It was inspired after an article I read regarding their latest "scientific kill" of a mother whale and her calf (photo seen here):


Dear ICR,

Your country and organization's stand that your whaling is done for "scientific research" is a lie. You should be ashamed of yourselves. The international community views your actions as dishonorable and should cease immediately.

Hideki Moronuki, chief of the Japanese Fishing Agency's whaling section, has been quoted as saying "The fleet is engaged in random sampling, which means they are taking both large and small whales. This is not a parent and calf," in reference to your recent pathetic murder of a mother whale and her calf. Killing whales indiscriminately is not scientific. Science is methodical and not random or indiscriminate. Your constant complains that Australian and other ships who are observing your shameful actions are harassment are simply pathetic as well. If you were not doing anything wrong, you would have nothing to be harassed about.

I urge you to restore a semblance of honor to your organization and country. Until you cease your pathetic rouse, the international community will continue to be horrified and consider you dishonorable.

{signed by me}

Tuesday, February 5

Much ado (about nothing?)

I am making an attempt to revamp my blog. Well, basically the look of it. I spent a lot of time today researching sites and researching looks and blog templates and ended up with...basically what I started with. But the good part is that I'm starting to understand HTML a little so I guess that's one for my "go me" column!!

So hopefully within the next few days (or weeks, depending on my learning curve), I'll have a new look! Keep your fingers crossed and hope for the best!!