Friday, October 15

Week 2 - How Weight Watchers Almost Killed Me

First goal: lose 5% of my current body weight
Overall goal: lose 40 pounds
Current status: 2 pounds lost


In my efforts to eat better yet in a fun way, I decided to eat a bowl of couscous last night for dinner. Since the serving size is 1 cup and the box made 3, that left 2 cups over one of which I had for lunch today.

I decided to eat lunch @ my desk and work through lunch. I reheated my couscous and ate at my desk. While I was eating, one of my co-workers made me laugh, thus making a cous (singular) travel up the back of my nose and sit there very uncomfortably.

Which only made me laugh harder.


When I finally was able to remove it (sans details to all of you), I found that, in fact, it was couscous - TWO COUS'S STUCK IN MY NOSE!

It was highly reminiscent of the Tic-Tac Incident of 1999....which still traumatizes me to this day.

Needless to say, I survived both. Barely.

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