Monday, September 22

"You'll get used to it"

What's "it"?? Being at work at 8am and getting up at just after 6am.

And yeah - I'll get used to "it" just like I'd get used to a metal spike through my head!

Not so much my friend.

But I'm proud of myself... Day one over, and I'm only mildly comatose. Of course, it's after 10:30 and it feels like 2am!!

I got to work on time - WOOT! That's partially thanks (well, mostly, ok, all-ly) thanks to my boyfriend. He woke me up at 6:15. A.M. (!!) I made coffee, waffles (I need food, sorry) and I hopped in the shower. Ok, I slothed into the shower. I got dressed, he got my travel mug full o-joe ready and I was out the door.

The commute wasn't bad (15 minutes, but 20 would've been better - next time leave earlier!), but I made it on time. We'll see how tomorrow goes... ;)

I got there, my boss met me, took me on a tour of the place and I met way too many people (all very nice) for me to remember at an hour when just last week I was still asleep! :)

After filling out my HR paperwork (we get direct deposit - WOOT!), I went back to my desk, "unpacked" and waited for IT to come to set me up. Turns out the IT department (new and only 3 people big) aren't Mac peeps. They're PC types. So it was a difficult day to say the least for them to get me set up with email and get access to the server. As of now, I still don't really have email. Well, I do, but only partially. They promised to get me up and running tomorrow morning.

I'm going to hold them to that!

My boss took me to lunch along with the girl I work with. We had a nice time and it was more of a get-to-know-you deal. After lunch, I spoke with him about the company, and we just discussed broadly what I'd be doing, etc...

Around 3:45 I finally was able to open Quark. Of course, the computer still wasn't 100%, so neither were the fonts I needed. Long story long, I didn't get to do any design work today. Just lots of sitting and reading the catalog I'll be maintaining (who knew there were so many o-rings and nuts and bolts in cars??). :)

My parents asked me (when I finally got home) how my first day went and asked if I liked it, etc. I told them its too soon to know, but that I know I don't like the morning part. I DO think that my first impression of the people who work there is good. Everyone was very nice to me today and they all seem easy going. My boss and co-worker seem nice. And the office itself isn't half bad. Other than that, I can't say much. I guess its too soon to say if I'll love or hate the job - especially since I did no design work today. But I will admit that I took comfort in opening Quark for the first time ever. And not because I like Quark (Quark blows, afterall), but because it was something familiar in an unfamiliar setting... However, my co-worker and I spoke to my boss, and he seems receptive to switching over to InDesign (since she and I are the only two who use Quark anyway). So there could be a silver lining to showing up early - InDesign could be waiting for me! :)

So, that's about it. Day one done. How many more to go?? Who knows. For now, I'm taking it one day at a time - you know, like recovering addicts. I'm recovering from sleeping in "late" and still getting to go to work! So I'll just take it one early morning at a time. Oh, and just count down to sleeping in on Saturday mornings! Cause if I had a penny for every time I heard "you'll get used to it", heck, EVERY DAY would be Saturday to me!! :-D


Unknown said...

I'd be more used to it 8 months later if I wouldn't sleep in on the weekends and kept my same pattern. But figure out what works for you. But trust me, I feel your pain. And I've got a 35 minute commute!!

Claudia said...

I knew if anyone would feel my pain, its you Nice Slady!! :)