Monday, September 8

Well its about time!

After searching for a new job for about a year (give or take), I was finally offered a new on this past Friday. One I've decided to take.

My boyfriend and my best friend both have been very supportive, patient and understanding while I've weeded through the jobs, asked for advice, gone on interviews, asked ad nauseum about should I do this or that... And I couldn't be more grateful.

My family and friends have been supportive of me as well. They've listened to me talk about potential positions and given me advice. Again, I couldn't be more grateful.

When it came time to resign from my current position, my friends and family (boyfriend and best friend both included) all gave me great advice. They told me I was doing the right thing and not to second guess myself. They supported me and they were there for me.

None of that changed how scared I was today - right up until I walked out of my boss' office after resigning. I was scared! I was nervous. I was anxious. I was numb. Thought I was going to be sick. You name it...

But even through all the advice and support that everyone gave me, I think the one thing that sticks out is what my boyfriend said to me as I got ready to go into my boss' office. I told him I was scared and didn't think I could do it (no matter how much I wanted to). He told me that I'm strong and that I'm not the person I used to be.

I'm strong and that I'm not the person I used to be.

After all the dust settled and now that I'm lying here at home in the cool evening air with the fan hit me. I'm NOT the person I used to be. I've changed and I've grown a lot. This new position that I'll be starting in a couple weeks is yet another materialization of that. And while its scary to make a change, I'm looking forward to the challenge. Because if I've survived all the other stuff I've gone through in my life, I know I'll get through this and be great at it!

So thank you to my boyfriend, my best friend and all of my other friends and family for being so wonderful to me - not only in my job search, but always. You all mean the world to me, and without your help and support, I couldn't have gotten to where I am today.

I love you all!

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