Hector RULES!
Today I finally got my hair fixed... Knowing full well that I couldn't have the length I wanted (that would be shoulder length - what I could've had last month if it was cut properly in the first place...but I digress), I instead opted for evening out the bizarre do I've been sporting for almost a month. Yes, that same one that had me crying for the first week I wore it...
Now that its all over, I can post the badness.....hold on to your seats...
Today I finally got my hair fixed... Knowing full well that I couldn't have the length I wanted (that would be shoulder length - what I could've had last month if it was cut properly in the first place...but I digress), I instead opted for evening out the bizarre do I've been sporting for almost a month. Yes, that same one that had me crying for the first week I wore it...
Now that its all over, I can post the badness.....hold on to your seats...

I took a chance and went to a salon at the mall. I'd already (in the past) gone to the salons that my mother and friends go to and they'd been ruled out. I figured if I'm just going to walk in anywhere, might as well be at the mall - where I can do a little shopping afterwards! I walked in and they gave me Hector.
I told him my story and how "all one length, shorter in back, longer in front" somehow got me the "haircut" above. I told him how I hoped it would grow on me and that's when he told me "honey, its not going to grow on you." I told him I understood that it would be shorter than I wanted if he fixed it but to pleeeeeease fix it and get me as close as possible to what I wanted. I had photos, I had diagrams, I was ready to run if I saw even one layer cut! But lo and behold, Hector didn't let me down...

Keep in mind these photos were taken indoors on my camera phone by me holding it at arms length, but, would you look-e here?? Its just what I asked for...all one length, shorter in back, longer in front!
Can I get a woot woot??
Can I get a woot woot??
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