Tuesday, September 30

Growing pains

Its funny because now that I have my new job, I feel almost like I've left the planet...

I'm still getting used to the new routine. Up at the crack of dawn, new people, new place, new desk, new dress code.... And I knew to expect all that.

But what threw me for a loop was how isolated I'd feel.

I got used to spending the day with my boyfriend (there, I said it!) and even though some of my old co-workers drove me nuts, I did socialize with some of them at work, so I was constantly talking to someone. And when I wasn't, there was something going on at work - rubber bands flying around, a chance to go outside for a walk, someone to talk to....and even Nicole to chat with online! So even though I don't have a group of friends outside of work that I socialize with, I at least had human contact and socialized (limitedly) at work.

Now that I'm at my new job, its a much different situation. I don't really know anyone yet. My direct co-worker (the girl I share a space with) is very nice and helpful when I ask a question, but she doesn't talk. My boss is, well, all work (understandably) and I don't even have the chance to go online to chat with Nicole (BOO).

I don't get joke emails anymore, don't have people to talk to, and don't really socialize. And I guess I wasn't ready for that. Not that work is a place to socialize, but it helps pass the time. But as I look around when I'm there, it doesn't seem like people socialize much at all. So its been a little rough on me.

I guess I've found myself a little "home sick" - or "work sick" - as in missing my old routine. And I know, I know, once I get settled into my new routine, I'll feel better. But I guess, even with all the stuff I wasn't happy with at my last job, you never realize how comforting it is to be surrounded by what you know, until its not there anymore. Does that make sense??

Anyway - I guess its just par for the course when you get a new job and move on to do different things.

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