Sunday, September 21


Well, I can't say the past couple weeks were easy.

I got a new job, resigned from my old, and spent the last 2 weeks saying goodbye, doing mad amounts of work (to not leave them in a lurch) and cleaned out my desk.... Not to mention the mental and emotional exhaustion of it all...

But I survived.

And tomorrow I start a new chapter - the one where I start my new job at an earlier time (no, I'm not a morning person, so why pretend I am?). But I'll be fine.

Its been hard, and I'll admit that I'm nervous, but, nothing worth doing is ever easy. I know this will be good for me - I just have to get past the nervous period and settle in. And get a new fish tank for my desk!! :-D

So keep your fingers crossed that when the alarm goes off between 6am and 6:30am (SHOOT ME) that I hear it and get up!! And from there, it should be easy as pie! (yeah, right) :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You'll be fine. Just pretend actual work time is about 30 minutes earlier and you'll only be 5 minutes late!