My best friend told me about a text message invitation to a baby shower. A text message. For this Friday. Received this past Tuesday. For what is being called a "Beer & Diapers" shower. At a BBQ joint.
Yee haw.
As if that wasn't bad enough, the TEXT MESSAGE said to reply ASAP.
Guess they wanted to make sure there's enough beer?
(you can't make this stuff up!)
Her husband - much to his credit - pointed out the drastic social faux pas by saying that whole situation - including the text - lacked social couth (which is the best thing I think I've ever heard)...!
So I wonder, is social couth passé?
Not to top that (because I doubt you can)....I was in the ladies room earlier today at work doing what ladies do in ladies' rooms. As I'm doing what I'm doing, a woman walks in ON THE PHONE and enters into the stall next to me where she continues to speak to the man she was on the phone with. And I knew it was a man because I could hear him! And I'm sure he could hear me.
Talk about stage fright!
What is with people these days? Not to sound like an old codger, but come on people! Put the phone down for 5 minutes while you "go"!
Holy cow. What's the world coming to?
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