Monday, July 7

My two cents...

I just read an article that told of how some extreme animal rights groups have been using violent means of activism against professors and scientists who conduct tests on animals.

A long time animal rights supporter myself, I often speak out about the horrors that go on in the name of research and education. I've written letters, spoken to people face-to-face, posted here of what's going on, heck, my mother and I even went to Washington DC and participated in an animal rights march! These tests are not necessary as there are other means of research. The barbaric things that are done to cats, dogs, mice, monkeys and other animals in the name of science are sickening and must be stopped.


I believe that using force against these scientists isn't helpful.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr was an advocate for change through civil disobedience and other non-violent means. He was able to do wonders for this country in the area of civil rights because of his beliefs that violence doesn't pay.

Groups who use violence to get their point across aren't doing that. True they may get a handful of people to stop what they're doing, however, they also loose credibility and are dubbed "wackos" and other names for their scare tactics. And other scientists are able to continue.

Now, don't get me wrong. I would LOVE for the scientists who do these barbaric tests to have the same tests done on them. I'd love it. Wouldn't want to see it, but I'd love for it to be done to them. Or worse. However, violence doesn't pay.

Instead, people should hold rallies and protests. If they go to the homes of these scientists (as the article pointed out), then stand outside with signs and use the public areas (streets and sidewalks) to make a point. Yell through a bull-horn, post fliers and signs. But don't invade the homes of these people by throwing items. Don't paint their houses and use violent confrontations. That does no one any good and gets the protesters put in jail.

I'm all for stopping these experiments! I'm all for making people pay for their atrocities. But do it in a way that will get the point across and do it in a way that won't make things worse!

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