A friend of mine was in the market for special straws for bubble tea. Since I'd never heard of it (and wondered why he needed tapioca pearls and special straws to make it), I Googled it and inadvertently found a great vegetarian website. Its called Veggie Terrain.
Now, I'm not a vegetarian - yet. I've been working towards it s-l-o-w-l-y. A couple years ago I tried going cold turkey, and I can now appreciate what smokers must go through when they try to quit smoking. A life-long omnivore with a father who has a talent, no, a gift for bar-b-que, giving up meat wasn't easy.
I renewed my efforts a few months ago, and its been difficult to say the least. I went cold turkey again for a few weeks - maybe a month tops. And then I just had to sneak a little meat. But instead of falling off the bandwagon (and being dragged behind it as I did a few years ago), I just realized that going cold-turkey wasn't for me right now, so I severely restricted my meat intake.
Now, I eat meat maybe once or twice a week - but only if I really (REALLY) want it. Some weeks I even go without! If there's something else on the menu that looks good, I go for that. Of course, when dad pulled out all the stops on the bbq front a couple weekends ago, I couldn't resist. But "quitting" isn't about beating myself up if I fall, its just about picking myself up and forging ahead.
SO...on that front, I found that site. So far my non-meat meals have been pretty pedestrian - pizza, pasta, salads, fruits. All things I love. Until I realize that that's it. I don't enjoy cooking (much) and I'm not much of a culinary experimenter. So I want it to be good, quick, easy, comforting and yummy! And not be all tofu and veggie burgers. I don't mind going vegetarian - but I don't want to to go all soy and weird either because I know me - I won't like it and then I'll fail.
So Veggie Terrain has recipes that look pretty good. Now I'm not (and most likely won't go) vegan (that's where you don't even eat animal bi-products like milk, honey, eggs, etc) but I do do cage free and organic. So those recipes (if you're feeling adventurous) can be re-altered back to using mayo, milk, honey or what not if that's your thing!
Anyhoo - I'm looking forward to trying the creamy dijon-dill potato salad...but the bubble tea? Yeah, not so much my friend!!
1 comment:
Wow! Thanks so much for the kind words about my blog. I appreciate you checking it out, even if you did stumble across it "inadvertently" :)
Let me know what you think of the potato salad - it's one of my favorites!
Also, the bubble tea is fantastic, I swear... Weird? Yes. Delicious? Absolutely!
Anyway, I'm happy to have found your site as well. I'm off to check it out right now...
PS Here's some info for your friend: I was actually able to find some thick straws at Jewel - believe it or not. I was on vacation in Portland when I found them, so I'm not sure if it's a regional thing, but maybe that will help!
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