DMB was last night! DAVE! WOOT!! And let me tell you, the concert ROCKED!! It was AWESOME! I really forgot how much I really enjoy hearing music played LIVE!!
Unfortunately, they wouldn't let us bring cameras into the concert (even though it seemed that everyone else was able to smuggle theirs in), so since I got no photos, I've recreated Dave for ya....

Show was rockin'. Loved it. They played all the songs I like and left me wanting for more! There were a few songs I wish they'd played, but hey, that's my excuse for seeing them perform next time!
Here are the interesting NON-DMB points from the night:
- We had lawn seats which meant we plopped down wherever on the grass. We chose a nook near the wall so we'd be out of the way, but it turns out we chose to sit near the corner where all the drunkies (girls included) decided to go to pee rather than wait for the bathroom line. Made for an interesting experience. Although it got to be fun to watch security show up and flash their flashlights on the pee-ers!
- Later in the evening, when it started raining - YES RAINING - people tried to get out of the open area and several people SAT in the pee corner mentioned above not knowing it! I seriously hope they went home and showered in turpentine and used a brillo pad. EEEEEW!!!
- Evidently the "thing" to do now when you're in college is to go to a concert and get exceedingly drunk (ok, that's nothing new) but then not pay attention to the concert, and instead, either A-make out with your "other" (or whomever you can grab) or B-text and spend the time having a photo shoot with friends, but NOT even photograph the stage. Figure that one out! :-D
- They wouldn't let me bring my camera in, but they evidently DID allow (or "happen to miss") the weeeeeed that some peeps smuggled in. I got a whiff of the good stuff every once in a while. So, cameras bad, weed good? I guess so!
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