Wednesday, October 27

Week 3 (lost count of the days...)

First goal: lose 5% of my current body weight
Overall goal: lose 40 pounds
Current status: lost 5.7 pounds


Well, weigh-in #3 was this morning....and I've realized eating (for me) is a little like shopping.

Back in the day, if I went shopping and wanted something, I'd get it. Didn't matter if I had the money or how much it was. Now, true, I never just went and spent willy-nilly on a pair of Manolo's or anything (yes, I saw SATC2 last night), but a little spent often enough adds up. And all that adding resulted in me having credit card issues. Well, basically I owed. A lot.

Over time, I realized that I was just buying to make myself happy. I wasn't happy with a lot of what was going on in my life, and maybe subconsciously, I thought that a new pair of shoes or a new shirt would make me happy. And they did - but only temporarily... Then I'd want to shop some more.

But when I realized I CAN be happy and have it NOTHING to do with shopping, I started shopping in a more discriminate fashion. Did I really NEED that rainbow scarf or those green Crocs? NO. Did I want them? YES. BUT instead of just BUYING them right then, I learned to wait. If I was still thinking about them tomorrow or next week, then I really DID want them and would choose to spend my money on them.

That has lead me to be able pay down a lot of my debt and to really truly enjoy when I DO actually spend money on myself...

I'm learning the same can be said for food.

In the past 3 weeks, I've gone from being anxious about every meal to realizing that I have options. I've stopped to think about what I really want to eat, and made healthier choices.

The other night, I went out to the diner and was faced with getting something fun like chicken fingers and fries or even a veggie burger and fries. That's what my first instinct told me to get... But I stopped and thought about my options. An egg white omelet with spinach, tomatoes and feta cheese is just as filling but A) way healthier and B) waaaay less points. And who doesn't love breakfast for dinner?? I LOVE BREAKFAST FOR DINNER!!

Point is, I was able to realize that the fun and happiness I'd get from bad food would last only a short while but the fat and badness I get from it would last way longer on my arse and anywhere else it landed - sort of like my credit card bills!! So, if I'm going to "charge" the points, why not owe less?? It turns out I was JUST as happy and didn't "pay" as much!!


I love shopping and eating. And I admit there ARE still times I want to both spend money and eat willy-nilly, but will it make me happy long run? No.

Besides, I love loosing weight even more! WOOT!

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