Thursday, April 1

I knew her when....

I'd like to take this opportunity to brag just a bit about Nicole and her photography. For all 2.5 of you who read this, I'm proud to say that I am friends with someone who is soon to be famous! (for the record, Anthony is the .5 who reads my blog when I open the page and force him to....but I digress.)

Where was I?

Oh right - Nicole > Famous.

Nicole's photos of flowers are hanging in a gallery in NJ as I type. Today, my co-worker opened an art gallery in Lafayette, NJ - JLH Galleries - and Nicole's photos are hanging there! Very exciting.

Now, I'll add at this point that I'm also going to be selling some of my photos there, however, I think her's are BY FAR better than mine... And that has nothing to do with the fact that she has a fancy schmancy camera. I truly believe Nicole has talent....

Anyhoo - I just wanted to let all 2 of you know that I will soon have the opportunity to say "yep, I knew her back when she was one of the little people like me". Hey, Nice Slady - don't forget the little people when you're rich and famous, ok?? :-D

PS - I said 2 because I don't think this is one of those posts I'll sit Anthony down and force to read - he hears about it enough already! :)


Unknown said...

Ok, Doofus... I'm 1 of the 2.5.... and YOUR PHOTOS ARE AWESOME TOO!!! But thank you... seriously, I'm making it up as a I go along. :-D

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

Okay, make that 3.5 readers. I'd like to see some of your photos, too. And, yes, Nicole has an eye for the camera art.

Nicole's Mom, a/k/a, BIG

Unknown said...

WHY am I half!!!!!!!!!!!!!
