How did those sandals honor my Wednesday in return?? The outside part of the right one ripped off the sole mid morning. NICE huh?? My co-worker had shoe goo from a previous shoe fiasco she had so she offered me that. Only to find out that it was dry. So I tried to hunt down crazy glue with no luck. So I spent the rest of the morning walking around with a 1/2 on shoe.

I went to Payless at lunch in hopes of finding a cheap pair of something that was "allowed" by our dress code to get me through the rest of the day. Nuthin'. Of course, that trip to Payless was rewarded with what?? The outside of my LEFT shoe breaking exactly the same way as my right. Both were held on ONLY by the thread trim going around the outside of the shoes.

I spent the rest of the day walking around at work like I was a child wearing my mother's high heels.
When Anthony got home, he laughed at the situation and asked to see the sandals. I slipped them back on only to realize the INSIDE (insole) of the RIGHT one broke too.
It was hilarious. And this was only Wednesday.
Thursday brought a post-work trip to the Carp Pond to meet up with Anthony and his friend while they fished. I've been there a million times with and without Anthony. Its a nice little park setting, with a pond and a bench. As they were wrapping up, I was texting his friend's wife and somehow I FELL in a ditch. FELL. Twisted my ankle. Phone went flying. Paper I had in my hand scattered. Arms, legs, feet - all went separate ways. And my ego was bruised as bad as my ankle. There was no need to get medical help (though it does hurt a little now) so I went home....
This morning I got in my car to the most HORRENDOUS smell....and it wasn't me!! I thought maybe I'd left part of yesterday's lunch in the car, but then I remembered I went out to lunch with Anthony. I thought that an animal had climbed into my car to die, but I realized all the windows and the sunroof were closed. Hmmm.... A quick check into the trunk of my truck revealed the culprit.
That went in the trash right away. But I was left driving to work with my windows completely open and the sunroof open in an attempt to air it out. I got to work w/ my hair looking like a birds nest from the wind.
At least its Friday. Of course, tomorrow we're going to an open house that is touting a "dutch basement". No one I know - including my father the architect - ever heard of a dutch basement. With my luck, its realtor speak for "quicksand in the foundation" and I'll go down there and be sucked into oblivion!
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