Sunday, March 1

Really? More Snow? REALLY?

Ok, its March 1st, so WHY am I sitting here looking at a snowfall forecast map for tonight into tomorrow??  And WHY does it say we're going to get a solid 6-12" of snow over the next 24 hours?

Honestly, the 50˚+ weather we got last week must've been a sick joke!!  Seriously, I'm about to throw myself in front of traffic if we get anymore cold weather.  Its March already people!!  How about some spring-like weather??  Anyone??

Seriously, why does this map even exist this late in the season??

I think its cruel and unusual.  Ok, maybe not unusual, but still cruel!!  I seriously want to break out my sandals already and put my coats into storage for the summer!! 

I guess I'll be breaking out my snow boots tomorrow instead!!  Blah!

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