We've needed a new vacuum for a while. The old one was older than dirt. It was held together with duct tape and even though it was an upright, it didn't always stay upright (which was a treat when it tipped over on you)!! I even noticed that it wasn't sucking up the big stuff anymore (like shreddings from the cat scratching posts).
So after many weeks of looking and hemming and hawing and not wanting to spend the money on a new one, we finally gave in and got one of the dual cyclone bagless uprights with a HEPA filter that is washable (no extra trash and no replacing it!).
I can only describe it one way....AMAZING!!

The living room was vacuumed with the old one yesterday morning so there wasn't stuff all over. When we got home, we put the new one together and tried it. Just from the "clean" oriental rug we have, we filled the container. TWICE. It was disgusting how much dirt and cat hair came out of the carpet! At first we thought maybe it was carpet fibers and that the rotating blades had chopped up the rug to make so much debris, but nope. Cat hair and dirt!! Its amazing how much was in what we thought was CLEAN!!
We proceeded to vacuum every rug/carpet in the apartment. And I can't tell you how skeeved I was at what I thought was clean but really wasn't! In fact, our bedroom rug had what I thought were dark stains on it - but after it was vacuumed you couldn't see them anymore! It was just DIRT that hadn't come up!
I'm not sure if its that our new toy is just that great or if our old one was just that bad. Chances are its a little of both. But still, its amazing how CLEAN home is now!!
Kinda makes me want to run home and vacuum some more!!
(Who'd have ever thought that sentence would've come out of me!!)
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