I was informed today that Harrah, OK (home to my best friend and a town just West of Podunk, OK) is also home to Tim Holt, Dale Robertson and the Waner Brothers (not to be confused with the Warner Brothers of Bugs Bunny fame)....these guys are HUGE...for Harrah at least.
Tim Holt. Evidently, he is a "Hollywood Cowboy". YOWZERS! My best friend lives next to Tim Holt BOULEVARD...a road that doesn't fit more than 2 cars and has no curb. Guess Timmy Boy wasn't that good of a cowboy. Of course, she claims it goes into "downtown" Harrah - with all 3 of its stop lights.
I would like to note (before I get angry comments from Oklahomians) that I HAVE been to Harrah and my best friend is the one who pointed this all out to me. So its her fault! But she DOES live in Podunk. Oh wait, Harrah, WEST of Podunk! Where, according to their web site (link above on HARRAH) their main concerns are jobs, events and garbage. :)
You just can't make this stuff up.
Just a note in honor of my baseball-loving grandmother....The Waner brothers, Paul and Lloyd—also known as "Big Poison" and "Little Poison"—played together for fourteen seasons in the same Pittsburgh outfield in the 1920s and 1930s. More than half a century after retiring, they still rank as the best-hitting brothers in major league history with a combined 5,611 hits—517 more than the three Alou brothers, 758 more than the three DiMaggio brothers, and 1,400 more than the five Delahanty brothers. And both Waners are in the Hall of Fame, the only playing brothers so honored.
Who knew?
If you must know, there is only one stoplight downtown. The others are west of downtown and south of town.
who knew??? definitely not me. i thought the steakhouse would have its own street name by now, but i haven't heard anything. The Canadians do have our own street name (although it is a Native word....) and Navarre has her own street too:)
oh, and props on the research!
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