This past weekend, my man and I couldn't stay inside any longer so we ventured out on a beautiful Sunday afternoon and went for a walk in the woods (near one of his fishin' spots, of course! We just had to see if the fish are rising yet. They're not, much to his dismay).
Anyway, I took the opportunity to bring along my new camera and take a few shots of the wilderness...
This tree is quite possibly one of the coolest trees ever. It stands in the middle of the wooded area surrounded by mostly vertically straight growing trees. Its unique. It stands out because it grows all higgly piggly. I just had to photograph it.

While we're on the topic of unique, how cool is this mushroom?? It was growing out the side of one of the trees - a good 10 feet up the trunk!! It doesn't get cooler than this!!

Just my attempt at being artsy....likey??

This is the trunk of a still-standing tree that was hollowed out. My man had the brilliant idea of taking a photo in the trunk - which was nixed when we heard something scurrying around inside....RUN!

I'm about done with coats too. Not that I wear mine with it all being covered in lint. Very nic pics!!
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