I waited at home as long as I possibly could to avoid a wait at the vet (which doesn't help her disposition). When I walked in with her in her little bag, she began hissing at the realization that EVERY SINGLE DOG IN NJ WAS AT THE VET IN THE WAITING ROOM. She was in enemy territory as far as she was concerned. And while the dogs were all friendly and wanted to meet her, she wanted no part of them...
After what seemed like forever in the waiting room, we were finally called in. I reminded the vet of her past "temper" and told him that she has calmed down in the past year, but he should still be careful.
Wouldn't you know it?? He took her right out of the bag and STILL kept his skin in-tact. There was the occasional growl to remind him know who's boss (Luna, of course), but she was SUCH a good girl and I was such a proud mommy! She got all her shots, got weighed (she's a whopping 16.6 pounds - such a cute LITTLE girl!), and he was even able to examine her teeth and ears and listen to her heartbeat. Something he could NEVER do before!!
YES, my change in marital status has DEFINITELY been good for her too!!
The visit was over lickety-split and we were on our way. By the time we got home, she was starting to get a little groggy from all the shots and then I had to give her some flea goo on the back of her shoulders. So she just isn't her usual diva self today or last night for that matter.

I just can't gush enough about how proud I am of my little fuzzy girl!! And yes - she definitely got treats last night because she left the vet in tact!! GOOD GIRL! :)
haha! girl that is such a cute cat story... I too am a cat lover... however it seems that I am closer to the crazy cat lady... (single/no kids/3 cats) haha!
Just some random news... you remember my annoying little brother Reiner... he is now a proud father as of 12/20 little Michael Konrad is a new addition to our big bright world! anyways Muah! Kayla
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