May 30th is going to be a "BIG" day!!
How "BIG" you ask??
That's the day the Sex and the City movie comes out!! YAY! (and all the fans out there will know what my reference to "BIG" means...)
Yes, it is one of my guilty pleasures. I LOVE that show. LOVE IT! And now that its been off the air a few years, re-runs are just not the same! I think I know them all - or at least most of them!! Not that that's bad - but its time for new material!!
So, check out the teaser and the website, and...ENJOY!!
Monday, December 31
Thursday, December 27
As promised, here they finally are....the first few photos (of Luna, of course!) from my new camera!
I think she hates it...
Who hates what?
I think Luna hates my new camera.
"Why?" you ask?
Well....could it be that ever since I got home last night with it, I've followed her around the house taking photos of her? Could it be that from the moment I got up until just about leaving for work that I followed her around with it taking more photos? Could it be?
But she's a diva! So you'd think the diva would relish the lime-light!
She's a cat - who knows what's going on in her mind!
Me? I LOVE my camera!! (did I mention I looooooove it?)
Wednesday, December 26
Yes folks, its finally MINE. After MONTHS of research and talking about it, my Canon PowerShot S5 IS is mine!! And I'm as giddy as a school girl!
Now, if only 5:30PM could hurry up so I could go home and play with it!!
FABULOUS photos to come!! :)
Yes folks, its finally MINE. After MONTHS of research and talking about it, my Canon PowerShot S5 IS is mine!! And I'm as giddy as a school girl!
Now, if only 5:30PM could hurry up so I could go home and play with it!!
FABULOUS photos to come!! :)
Excitement ensues...
Well, its the day after "the big day" - and I hope all of your kalikimakas were mele! :)
Today is an extension of yesterday's Christmas excitement! Today, at lunch, I'll be going with my man to get my Canon PowerShot S5 IS Digital Camera!!
Now, the real question it lunch time yet??
(pics and gushing to come after lunch - I mean, I'm at work, but who will be able to work once I get my new toy??)
Sunday, December 23
Who Knew??
I'm a benevolent idealist! (now, is that a surprise to anyone?)
The below is a graphic representation of my personality huh? I always knew I was colorful - now I can see just how much!
Oh, and thanks to Nicole for inspiring me to take this test!
The below is a graphic representation of my personality huh? I always knew I was colorful - now I can see just how much!
Oh, and thanks to Nicole for inspiring me to take this test!
Ode to Nicole & Christmas
In a double header "ode-ing"....I'd like to submit my toes - all decorated for Christmas in a scheme that is sure to make my best friend (and fashion diva) Nicole roll her eyes....
Mele Kalikimaka (as Bing Crosby would say!)
Thursday, December 20
Ain't she the cutest?
Ok, so the snow came and went. Well, not really went... More like it came, and its still there, only now its a crusty icy white sheet outside. But it is what it is. And HOPEFULLY, with a little help from the weather gods, we'll have a white Christmas - even if it is left-over white!
On the
flip side...

I have to gush over my sweet little girl....sleeping next to mommy as I type!
On the

I have to gush over my sweet little girl....sleeping next to mommy as I type!
Thursday, December 13
And so it begins...

My cell phone's video isn't cooperating as I'd hoped, so no videos or pics yet! BUT have faith... I'll get it to work and be posting videos and pics as the day goes on!
In the meantime, keep your fingers crossed that we get a "snow" afternoon - as in that we get to leave work early! There's nothing more fun than that!

We'll see if it actually comes to pass or if this is more of the media hype that happens so often lately (the STORM of the season - yeah right!)... Either way, it should be fun and exciting!
And even more exciting is the prospect of our first Nor'easter coming on Saturday night into Sunday. Yes - they say it'll be a doozy. We'll see! Of course, that WOULD have to be our first anniversary! But I guess there's nothing more fun than snuggling during a snowfall!
Pics to come for those of you yearning for snow!!
Sunday, December 9
Wednesday, December 5
There's no accounting for taste...
Every morning when my alarm goes off, if Luna isn't already in bed with me, she'll come and join me with a little gurgle greeting and a bump of the head...
This morning, however, there was no gurgle, no bumping. I called her, but nothing.
I got up and started to make breakfast. No Luna.
I made her breakfast. Still no Luna.
I called her. Called my mother (wondering if maybe she slipped out when they left for work). No dice. "She's around..." Sure she is...
I finally went downstairs to the basement to do the "deed" - clean out her litter box. (blech) When I got done, I stood up and what do I find? A little grey head watching me from the INSIDE of the slop sink. It was empty except for the yellow bucket in the sink and the little grey cat sitting next to it.
Now tell me, how is that comfortable and what is the draw to sitting in the slop sink??
And wouldn't you know it? By the time I grabbed the camera and headed back down the stairs she was headed up them.
The diva just didn't want to be photographed in such a lowly locale!
This morning, however, there was no gurgle, no bumping. I called her, but nothing.
I got up and started to make breakfast. No Luna.
I made her breakfast. Still no Luna.
I called her. Called my mother (wondering if maybe she slipped out when they left for work). No dice. "She's around..." Sure she is...
I finally went downstairs to the basement to do the "deed" - clean out her litter box. (blech) When I got done, I stood up and what do I find? A little grey head watching me from the INSIDE of the slop sink. It was empty except for the yellow bucket in the sink and the little grey cat sitting next to it.
Now tell me, how is that comfortable and what is the draw to sitting in the slop sink??
And wouldn't you know it? By the time I grabbed the camera and headed back down the stairs she was headed up them.
The diva just didn't want to be photographed in such a lowly locale!
Monday, December 3
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